The fast itself was not really that hard for me; it was the freedom to eat what I wanted to that was more of a struggle. For example, when my friend's and I would hang out, sometimes there would be wonderful, delicious looking snacks being passed around, and I had to refrain from indulging in such delightful treats. But, through the struggle of not being able to socially eat and freely consume what I wanted, I learned many things that I otherwise would not have learned. This fast has truly helped me get my life back on track in several different ways and I am so very thankful for the "wake up call."
Prior to the Daniel Fast, I was trying to start some new habits, such as eating healthier, spending more time with God/in the Word, working out, and overall just improving my daily routine, but to no avail. When I started the fast it was toward the end of Christmas break and it was a welcomed change in eating habit after all the holiday eating (and no that wasn't the only reason I was looking forward to it). But, it really helped me start the year off on the right track.
The point of fasting is either medical or spiritual. For me, it was a spiritual fast and I was looking to strengthen my relationship with God, as well as pray for some things that I really needed to spend time talking to God about. Even though I did not spend as much time in prayer as I should have, or would have liked to, there have been so many blessings that came out of this, and so many lessons learned, that I can only give credit to God.
This summer I have the opportunity to go to Uganda and Rwanda Africa on a missionary internship, but with great opportunity comes great expense. So, one of the things I was praying about, and continue to pray about, is receiving the adequate funding for the trip. Another thing I am continuing to pray about is the relationship between my family and my boyfriend of a little over a year. My boyfriend means the world to me and up until recently my family has been pretty skeptical about our relationship, so I've been praying that God will help my family see what I see in him. The last big thing I was praying about was a decision I had to make about some school activities for next fall. Since beginning to pray earnestly about all these things I have seen God work in amazing ways.
The funds for my Africa trip are coming together, my family and Clay (my boyfriend) are beginning to form a better relationship, and God made it very clear to me what direction he wants me to take with school activities in the fall. God is so good! Also since the fast, I've started eating healthier and working out, and I've begun reading my Bible more often, as well as talking to God more. He is my Comforter, my Healer, the Breath I breathe, and the Love I feel and share. He is my All in all. I am so thankful to have gone on this spiritual journey with my church family. I, personally, have learned so much and am continuing to learn more, and I know people within my church were blessed in many ways as well.
Thank you God for how great and powerful you are. You truly can work miracles in our lives.
"We give thanks to you, O God, we give thanks, for your Name is near;
men tell of your wonderful deeds..."
- Psalm 75:1
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