Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Over a Year

It's been over a year since I last wrote. It would be silly for me say a lot has happened - that would be an understatement. The last time I wrote was over a year ago and it is safe to say that things have change quite a bit and I have grown a lot as a person. Last summer (2011) I went to Kigali, Rwanda and Jinja, Uganda for two months; talk about a life changing experience. That trip deserves a blog post all its own, and I will do my best to write one for it, but putting that trip into words will be one of the most difficult things I will have written in a while. A month after I returned home I began my Junior year of college and now with three weeks left of it I can easily say it has been one of the biggest growing years for me as a student, girlfriend, daughter, follower of Christ, sister, and friend. The opportunities, conversations, and experiences I have had have changed me and are continuing to change me. Life is so much more exciting and beautiful than we give it credit to be and I am so looking forward to embracing the life I have been given. Because life is so short and yet so full I am going to do my best to keep a record of it. I don't want to forget a thing. So, I suppose this post is a very quick catch up and summary of my past year and a new commitment to writing. A friend of mine, out of the blue, recently told me to start writing again and it made me realize how much I enjoy it and have missed it, so thank you to my friend - your encouragement has inspired me. Here's a to a new beginning. I'll try to write again soon. 
Benjamin Franklin said, "Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing." 
I intend to do both. 

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