Monday, November 19, 2012

Give Thanks

As always, I have sadly fallen out of my writing routine. But since I am now (thankfully!) on Thanksgiving break it seems only appropriate to write something since I, for once, have time.

This semester has be absolutely insane for me. As the first semester of my senior year I have successfully over booked myself more so than I ever have before. This semester I have been involved in two shows (Pilgrim's Progress and Seussical the Musical), Chorus, Autumn (a smaller vocal ensemble), and The Offering ( a time of instrumental worship that happens a couple times a month), an on campus job, trying to begin planning my wedding, being a friend, fiancee', roommate, daughter, sister, etc... PLUS all my senior level classes. Sound busy enough? Whew. However, in the midst of all this craziness I have continually been reminded of how blessed I am and how much I have to be thankful for, even in the midst of my chaotic semester.

I know talking about being thankful seems pretty cheesy this time of year, and maybe it is, but I think it really is important to stop and think about what we are thankful for. So, this post is not going to be an enlightening, super amazing, post about being thankful, but rather a simple list of things and people I am thankful for. I don't know if you've ever tried this, and I have not done this recently, but for about a solid year at the end of every day I would write down a small list of all the things I was thankful for in that day. It helped remind me that even on the worst days there is always something to be thankful for, even if it's "just" the sun in the sky or the breath in my lungs. I encourage you to try it sometime, it's amazing how it seems to put things in perspective. At least for me, anyway. So here, goes. 

I am thankful for:
* My sister and her inspiring adventures in Thailand and the fact that we can communicate while she's away
* My sweet roommates, "the Katys," who have helped me stay sane this semester
* My parents and sisters who are always a joy to see and be around when I have a chance to see them
* My wonderful fiance' who encourages and strengthens me
* An education (even when it's nearing its end)
* Music. Singing, instruments, musicals, all of it.
* Breaks from school
* Good food
* Sunshine
* Motivation (when it happens)
* Things to look forward to
* Future, and hope for a future in God's hands
Just to name a few. God bless you during this Thanksgiving season. I pray that you are able to see the little things and the big things in your life to be thankful for, all year round.

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