Last semester was the busiest semester I have ever had. I was involved in two theater productions, chorus (both as a member and V.P.), Autumn, an on campus job, babysitting, helping lead worship, and I was a New Student Orientation leader on top of my 16 or 17 credit hour class load and beginning to plan Clay and I's wedding. Whew. Praise God I made it out alive and with good grades, right?
This semester is slightly less crazy in that I'm only taking 15 credit hours and I am not involved in quite as many things. But, that does not mean I am not busy. Just not as busy.
Throughout this semester my roommates, Katy B. and Katy P. ( yes both Katy), have been attending some yoga classes at Life Time Fitness. I have not been able to go due to either scheduling conflicts or choosing sleep over yoga (shocking right?). Well, last night I decided I would go with Katy P. and try it out. It was a little difficult. I sweat a lot. I almost fell over once or twice. But. It reminded me the importance of breathing. Yoga focuses a lot on your breath - inhaling and exhaling through your nose and focusing on that. While trying to keep my breathing normal in the midst of some crazy yoga moves I thought, "thank you God for the reminder to breathe." I have breath in my lungs, the ability to be still and just breathe; something I forget far too often.
Breath, the air we breathe, being still...these are all things that God has given us. Things God is in. I firmly believe Yahweh is in every breath we breathe and every prayer we pray. Just think about it. Even His name, Yahweh, sounds like air being exhaled from a person's lungs. He is the very air we breathe, the thing that sustains us and gives us the energy we need to live. He is our constant source of life.
Something I try to remind myself of from time to time is to say breath prayers throughout the day. Praying God's name and just quickly saying a prayer for whatever may be on my mind in that moment. It is nothing drawn out or profound, just a short little prayer said in one breathe connecting me with the Father and reminding me that He is the air I breathe, Yahweh, life giver, and listener. A simple moment and reminder to just breathe.
Sometimes we need to just stop and breathe. And that's okay. I pray you take time in your day to breathe, even just for a moment.
May the air from my lungs every praise your name, Yahweh.
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