Saturday, February 9, 2013


I am one of those busy people that don't know how to sit and just breathe. Someone usually has to remind me that it is okay to relax and take time for myself. I love being busy and constantly on the move. That being said, this post is a reminder to myself of the importance of breath and rest. May these thoughts be a blessing and reminder to you the same way they have been for me.

Last semester was the busiest semester I have ever had. I was involved in two theater productions, chorus (both as a member and V.P.), Autumn, an on campus job, babysitting, helping lead worship, and I was a New Student Orientation leader on top of my 16 or 17 credit hour class load and beginning to plan Clay and I's wedding. Whew. Praise God I made it out alive and with good grades, right?

This semester is slightly less crazy in that I'm only taking 15 credit hours and I am not involved in quite as many things. But, that does not mean I am not busy. Just not as busy.

Throughout this semester my roommates, Katy B. and Katy P. ( yes both Katy), have been attending some yoga classes at Life Time Fitness. I have not been able to go due to either scheduling conflicts or choosing sleep over yoga (shocking right?). Well, last night I decided I would go with Katy P. and try it out. It was a little difficult. I sweat a lot. I almost fell over once or twice. But. It reminded me the importance of breathing. Yoga focuses a lot on your breath - inhaling and exhaling through your nose and focusing on that. While trying to keep my breathing normal in the midst of some crazy yoga moves I thought, "thank you God for the reminder to breathe." I have breath in my lungs, the ability to be still and just breathe; something I forget far too often.

Breath, the air we breathe, being still...these are all things that God has given us. Things God is in. I firmly believe Yahweh is in every breath we breathe and every prayer we pray. Just think about it. Even His name, Yahweh, sounds like air being exhaled from a person's lungs. He is the very air we breathe, the thing that sustains us and gives us the energy we need to live. He is our constant source of life.

Something I try to remind myself of from time to time is to say breath prayers throughout the day. Praying God's name and just quickly saying a prayer for whatever may be on my mind in that moment. It is nothing drawn out or profound, just a short little prayer said in one breathe connecting me with the Father and reminding me that He is the air I breathe, Yahweh, life giver, and listener. A simple moment and reminder to just breathe.

Sometimes we need to just stop and breathe. And that's okay. I pray you take time in your day to breathe, even just for a moment.

May the air from my lungs every praise your name, Yahweh.

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