Tuesday, June 11, 2013

A Day of Blessings

Today (June 10th) has been a day of unexpected blessings. The day began with Clay and I meeting with our landlord, signing our lease, and paying our first month's rent - pretty typical. However, as we have come to learn, no conversation or interaction with our landlord is predictable (in a good way). Near the end of our interaction he told us that as a wedding present he and his wife were going to pay (or wave) our second month of rent. This nearly brought Clay and I to tears (rightly so, huh?). We were overwhelmed by gratitude and thankfulness.

Next, Clay and I went to Avis Ford to see about getting a new car (since Clay's car has been acting up for over a year). After about an hour we were finally given a monthly rate on a car, however it was quite a ways above our price range. Then, after some more checking, the price came down a little more, but still not quite where we were comfortable.

The salesman who was working with us asked if we wanted to look at the car; before we went outside Clay asked if we could check and see what some other car options might be. As the sales rep. was scrolling through the list and telling us that anything else that has a lower price will have a lot higher miles, he paused for a second and then explained that he had just found the exact same car we were about to go look at but with $2,000 off - a sale that had just gone into effect possibly hours or minutes before, making it so it had not previously shown up until just now. (Oh hey God, thanks for that one).

This brought the price down to a spot we could afford. This whole time we are just speechless at the fact that seeing this car (a 2012 Ford Fiesta) was even possible. The salesman went, got the car, brought us out to it, and I think Clay fell in love immediately with the color...and the look...and the fact that it's blinkers worked, and so on and so forth.

After a test drive, some discussion, and some laughs that this was even possible, Clay and I signed quite a few papers, traded in his old Malibu, and drove off in our new (to us) Ford Fiesta. What a blessing!

After these two unbelievable events, we met with our friend James to talk about the cupcakes he's going to make for our wedding and to catch up on life. I've gotta say, overall today has been an incredible day. Unexpected, but incredible. I don't think we could be more grateful, thankful, or excited.

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